Transitioning your Skincare & Wellness Routine for Fall
Can you feel it? That cool breeze has finally rolled into Las Vegas, and we’re all breathing a sigh of relief as the desert heat takes a backseat. While the fall air brings us cozy vibes and a break from the scorching sun, it also comes with some unwelcome guests—like dry skin and, for many of us, seasonal depression. But don’t worry—I’ve got you covered on both fronts!
Let’s talk about how to transition your skincare and self-care routines for the season and keep those seasonal blues at bay:
Is Being a Product Junkie Halting your Skins progress? The Psychology of Finding What Works… But Still Craving the Next Best Thing
When you see someone else glowing or raving about a product, it’s easy to feel like you need to jump on the bandwagon. You start questioning your own routine: “Am I using the wrong product? Maybe my skin could be even more radiant if I switch it up.”
It’s normal to want to evolve your skincare routine as your skin changes, but that doesn’t always mean overhauling everything for the latest trend. The truth is, your skin loves consistency. Finding a routine that works is already a huge win, but our minds often trick us into thinking there’s always something better.
The hormone Factor: Perimenopause and menopausal skin
As women approach their 40s and 50s, they enter the stages of perimenopause and menopause, marking significant shifts in hormonal balance. These changes often bring about noticeable transformations in the skin as estrogen declines. Estrogen is the hormone responsible for collagen and elasticity giving the skin a plump, dewy look. Please note, this isn’t just for those in late 40’s to 50’s. Estrogen can be out of balance at any age. This is why testing your hormones regularly proves to be a crucial aspect to help pinpoint any imbalances. Understanding these changes and how to address them with effective skincare solutions can help you look radiant no matter the life season you’re in. Understanding your body is key to navigating these transient changes.